Multiparametric Volcano Monitoring: Data Processing, Analysis and Modelling – Network School on Mount Etna

Nicolosi (Mount Etna), Italy – July 24 – 28, 2023
The Etna IMPROVE school took place from July 24th to July 28th, 2023, in Nicolosi, on the flank of Mount Etna. It was held at the INGV building, as well as in the nearby premises of the conference center of the Nicolosi municipality, which were generously made available. The school was attended by a total of 30 students, consisting of the 15 IMPROVE ESRs and an additional 15 external students who were selected through an open call from among nearly 40 applications received.
The students were trained in the use of sophisticated software, representing the culmination of several years of research and technological development at INGV and partner universities. The ultimate goal was to provide the students with as much practical training as possible in “multiparametric volcano monitoring, data processing, analysis, and modeling”. The first day was dedicated to lessons and exercises on volcano deformation, complemented by a demonstration of the EPOS portal ( for accessing multi-parametric data from Earth observation systems, including data from volcano observatories. The second day was dedicated to volcano degassing, the fourth day focused on volcano seismicity, and the fifth day involved a simulation exercise. During the exercise the different groups of students simulated a real volcano observatory dealing with a volcanic crisis, and had to use the instruments and tools provided and taught during the school to respond to the crisis. In the late afternoon, each group presented their results together with different statements prepared by them for communication to civil protection authorities and to the media, with ample discussion with senior researcher, particularly those from the INGV Etna Volcano Observatory. The third day of the school was dedicated to the field trip to Mount Etna. The trip was led by Boris Behncke from the Etna Observatory, who presented with engaging and compelling attitude the history and evolution of the volcano, adding stories and anecdotes about recent and past eruptions as well as about volcanologists who worked on the volcano.