Regina Maaß

Regina Maaß
Nationality: German
Institution: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS)
Country: Ireland
Research Title: Time lapse virtual & earthquake source seismic imagery at Krafla
In 2008 and 2009, rhyolitic magma was unexpectedly found at Krafla in shallow depths of 2-3 km when drilling wells. Krafla is one of the best studied volcanic systems worldwide, but no geophysical survey had previously identified the magmatic bodies. Why? Imaging small magma bodies in the uppermost layers of the Earth is challenging due to the complexity of the seismic wavefield and the limitations of common geophysical methods. Our project aims at pushing these limits by applying and developing new (seismic) imaging techniques. Using a reflection seismic configuration, we expect to image the magmarock interface(s) beneath Krafla. This will be generally helpful to improve our understanding of magmatic systems and gain insights into complex geologic settings.
Scientific Background
After completing my Bachelor‘s degree (BSc Geophysics) at University of Münster in 2019, I continued with the Master‘s degree (MSc Geophysics) at University of Hamburg. Exploring the upper layers of the Earth with seismic waves fascinated me, which is why I decided to specialize in seismology. For my Master’s thesis, I used data recorded by a fiber optic cable in Reykjanes, Iceland, to measure changes of seismic velocities over time and relate them to magmatic processes in the Earth’s crust. I graduated in March 2022. Since June 2022, I am a PhD student at DIAS. As part of the IMPROVE project, I focus on seismic imaging in volcanic systems.
Activity Record
Conference - Workshop - Meeting
Year | Authors | Title | Congress | Type | DOI |
2021 | Regina Maaß, Sven Schippkus, Céline Hadziioannou, Benjamin Schwarz, Charlotte Krawczyk, Philippe Jousset | Monitoring velocity changes in Iceland with fibre-optic distributed acoustic sensing | AGU | Presentation | |
2022 | Regina Maass, Christopher J. Bean, Ka Lok Li | Seismic imaging of shallow magma bodies in complex volcanic settings: example from Krafla, Iceland. | AGU | Presentation | |
2022 | Regina Maaß, Sven Schippkus, Céline Hadziioannou, Benjamin Schwarz, Charlotte Krawczyk, Philippe Jousset | Overcoming limitations of seismic monitoring using fibre-optic distributed | EGU | Presentation | |
2023 | Regina Maass, Christopher J. Bean, Ka Lok Li | Seismic imaging of shallow magma bodies at Krafla, Iceland. | EGU | Presentation | |
2024 | Regina Maass, Christopher J. Bean, Ka Lok Li | Reflection imaging at Krafla volcano using local earthquakes: challenges and possible solutions. | KMT (Krafla Magma Testbed) Workshop | Presentation | |
2024 | Regina Maass, Christopher J Bean, Ka Lok Li | Near-surface effects in seismic wavefields at Krafla volcano (NE Iceland): characterization and mitigation | EGU | Poster | |
2024 | Philippe Jousset, Gylfi Hersir, Gilda Currenti, Christopher Wollin, Sergio Díaz-Meza, Martina Allegra, Regina Maass, Michele Prestifilippo, Egill Gudnason, Rosalba Napoli, Charlotte Krawczyk | Long-term monitoring of seismic and volcanic activity using distributed fibre optic sensing: examples in Iceland (2015-2024) and Italy (2018-2024) | EGU | Poster | |
2024 | Regina Maass, Sven Schippkus, Céline Hadziioannou, Benjamin Schwarz, Philippe Jousset, Charlotte Krawczyk | Link between seismic velocity changes and the 2020 unrest in Reykjanes revealed by wavelength-dependent spatial stacking of distributed dynamic strain | Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences | Poster | |
2024 | Regina Maass, Christopher J Bean, Ka Lok Li | Reflection imaging of small-scale geological structures in highly scattering media: example from Krafla, Iceland | ESC | Presentation | |
2024 | Jonathan Wolf, Ed Ganero, Benjamin Schwarz, Yantao Luo, Regina Maass, John D West | Lowermost mantle heterogeneity detected using seismic migration of diffracted S-waves | AGU | Poster |
Training Events Attended
Data (from) | Data (to) | Type | Title | Venue |
6/11/0022 | 6/16/0022 | School | Geothermal and Magmatic Systems | Laugar, Iceland |
6/17/0022 | 7/3/0022 | Multiparametric Experiment | Krafla multiparametric experiment | Krafla, Iceland |
1/21/0023 | 1/23/0023 | Specialized Short Course | Seismology and Imaging | ISTerre, Grenoble, France |
5/14/0023 | 5/20/0023 | School | Geophysical data inversion and numerical forward modelling | Carlingford, Ireland |
7/24/0023 | 7/28/0023 | School | Multiparametric Volcano Monitoring: Data Processing, Analysis and Modelling | Nicolosi (Mount Etna), Italy |
7/23/0023 | 8/2/0023 | Multiparametric Experiment | Etna multiparametric experiment | Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy |
3/3/0024 | 3/8/0024 | School | Skience winter school - volcano seismology | Bayrischzell, Germany |
Other Activities
Data (from) | Data (to) | Type | Venue | Title | Description |
7/3/0022 | 7/30/0022 | Field work | Krafla, Iceland | Krafla field campaign | Deployment, maintenance and retrieval of 104 short-period nodes (5Hz), 10 short-period seismomters (1Hz) and 1 borehole seismometer. |
8/24/0022 | 8/3/0022 | Field work | Mt. Etna, Italy | Mt. Etna field campaign | Deployment and retrieval of 104 seismic nodes (short-period 5 Hz) |