Beatrice Giuliante

Beatrice Giuliante
Nationality: Italian
Institution: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum
Country: Germany
Research Title: Modelling mass balance and stress transfer at the Krafla volcanic system
The aim of my project is to be able to model the subsurface mass, (fluid) and energy transfer in Krafla hydrothermal environment. This goal will be achieved through the analysis and integration of various geophysical and non-geophysical measurements (gravity, seismic, GPS data, meteorological data, injection/extraction monitoring in the geothermal plant and more). Furthermore, the role of anthropogenic activities in the total mass and energy displacement will be assessed. The setup of multi parameters stations equipped with gravitometers, broadband seismometers, GPS receiver, meteorological station, hydrological sensor, camera and soil sensors to monitor the environmental conditions is therefore fundamental, in order to correctly reduce the gravity measurements and create accurate local Earth tide models.
Scientific Background
My Academic careers started in UK, at Loughborough University, where I obtained my BEng degree in Automotive engineering in 2018. There, thanks to my final year project “Acoustic emissions from developing cracks” I became familiar with the topics of geophysical surveys and seismology. Hence, my decision in perusing a career in the geophysics field. In 2019 I enrolled in the MSc “Exploration and Applied Geophysics” double degree programme, between the University of Pisa (Italy) and the Montan Universitat of Leoben (Austria), from which I graduated in April 2022. During my Master I also had the opportunity to work, as internship, at ENI Geos department, taking part in a reservoir characterization project, that I further develop as my final year Master thesis: “Modelling and elastic inversion for time lapse purposes in different reservoir scenarios”.
Activity Record
Training Events Attended
Data (from) | Data (to) | Type | Title | Venue |
5/17/2022 | 5/22/2022 | Specialized Short Course | SPIN ITN - Hands-on training with seismic instrumentation | Carcans, France |
5/22/2022 | 5/28/2022 | Workshop | SPIN ITN - NEW physical models for Earth’s interior | Carcans, France |
6/11/2022 | 6/16/2022 | School | Geothermal and Magmatic Systems - Network School on Krafla, (North Iceland) | Laugar, Iceland |
6/17/2022 | 7/3/2022 | Multiparametric Experiment | Krafla multiparametric experiment | Krafla, Iceland |
3/19/2023 | 3/24/2023 | School | SPIN ITN - Interrogating the Restless Earth | Pitlochry, Scotland, UK |
3/27/2023 | 3/29/2023 | Specialized Short Course | Volcano Geodesy | Bristol, UK |
4/14/2023 | 4/20/2023 | School | Geophysical data inversion and numerical forward modelling | Carlingford, Ireland |
7/24/2023 | 7/28/2023 | School | Multiparametric Volcano Monitoring: Data Processing, Analysis and Modelling - Network School on Mount Etna | Nicolosi, Italy |
7/28/2023 | 8/2/2023 | Multiparametric Experiment | Etna multiparametric experiment | Etna, Italy |
4/8/2024 | 4/10/2024 | Specialized Short Course | Petrophysical Properties – from the laboratory to the field and modelling | Munich, Germany |
5/28/2024 | 5/31/2024 | School | Multi-facet Science: data, models, infrastructure, industry and communication | Potsdam, Germany |
1/28/2023 | 1/28/2023 | IAVCEI pre-conference Workshop | Effective practices in the learning and teaching of volcanology: from the classroom to the field | Rotorua, New Zealand |
Other Activities
Data (from) | Data (to) | Type | Venue | Title | Description |
6/27/2022 | 7/1/2022 | Field Campaign | Theistareykir , Iceland | Field Campaign at Theistareykir | Relative gravity measurements at Theistareykir geothermal field. |
8/17/2023 | 8/30/2023 | Field campaign | Theistareykir , Iceland | Field Campaign at Theistareykir | Relative gravity measurements at Theistareykir geothermal field. |
7/15/2024 | 7/31/2024 | Field Campaign | Theistareykir, Iceland | Field Campaign at Theistreykir | Relative gravity measuremenst at Theistareykir geothermal field. |
1/10/2024 | 31/10/2024 | Secondment | Reykjavik, Iceland | Secondment at Landsvirkjun | Secondment at Landsvirkjun head office |
1/15/2024 | 1/31/2024 | Secodment | Munich, Germany | Secondment at LMU | Secondment at LMU |