Research Title: Thermo-mechanical modelling of the shallow magmatic body at Krafla
Thermo-mechanical modelling of the shallow magmatic body at Krafla

Gabriel Girela Arjona

Gabriel Girela Arjona

Nationality: Spanish
Institution: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Country: Italy
Research Title: Thermo-mechanical modelling of the shallow magmatic body at Krafla


The objective of the project is to to constrain the dynamics and thermo-mechanical properties of the shallow magmatic body and its relationships with the deeper magmatic system. The expected results are: 1) 2D/3D numerical simulations of the thermo-fluid dynamics of magmas involved in the generation and evolution of the shallow system at Krafla; 2) development of a database of numerical results; 3) constraints on the dynamic conditions necessary for melt existence at shallow depth; 4) application to the Krafla case of the methods developed by ESRs#2, 14, for Etna; 5) constraints on the thermo-mechanical properties of the shallow magma, for use in thermal modelling and inverse source modelling by ESRs #5, 6, 7, 11, 13.

Scientific Background

I graduated from the University Complutense of Madrid with a BSc in Geology in 2019, followed by a MSc Degree in Exploration of Hydrocarbons and Mineral Resources from the very same university in 2021. For my MSc Degree final project I did a mineralogical characterization of the oxidation zone of the epithermal Zn-Pb-Ag deposit of Patricia, Paguanta Mining Project in Chile, thanks to what I was able to work with electron microprobe and scanning electron microscope data along with optical microscopes.

Activity Record

Data (from)Data (to)TypeTitleVenue
6/11/20226/16/2022SchoolGeothermal and Magmatic SystemsLaugar, Reykjadalur, North Iceland
6/17/20227/3/2022Multiparametric ExperimentKrafla multiparametric experimentKrafla multiparametric experiment
5/14/20235/20/2023SchoolGeophysical data inversion and numerical forward modellingCarlingford, Ireland
7/24/20237/28/2023SchoolMultiparametric Volcano Monitoring: Data Processing, Analysis and ModellingNicolosi (Mount Etna), Italy
7/23/20238/2/2023Multiparametric ExperimentEtna multiparametric experimentMount Etna, Sicily, Italy
1/21/20231/23/2023Specialized Short CourseSeismology and ImagingISTerre, Grenoble, France
1/24/20241/26/2024Specialized Short CourseData Analysis and Pattern RecognitionEscuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática y de Telecomunicación (ETSIIT) Granada

Data (from)Data (to)TypeVenueTitleDescription
9/29/20239/29/2023Disemination activityUniversity of PisaBright NightEuropean event for science dissemination hosted by several cities all across Europe
6/1/20227/8/2022SecondmentUniversity of IcelanSecondment at University of IcelandFirst month of a three-months secondment on the thermal state and evolution of the shallow magmatic system at Krafla caldera