Ana Martinez Garcia

Ana Martinez Garcia
Nationality: Spanish
Institution: University of Bristol
Country: United Kingdom
Research Title: Shallow crustal density distribution and its evolution at the Krafla volcanic system
This project has two main objectives the modelization of the shallow subsurface density distribution and study the short and mid-term evolution of the Krafla sub-volcanic system. To achieve these objectives static and dynamic measurement in surroundings Krafla will be acquired and added to the previous gravity surveys. The static gravity data will be inverted and
combined with other multiparametric data to obtain a good 3D model of the density anomaly beneath Krafla caldera. The dynamic gravity measurements will be process and linked with the previous microgravity surveys recorded in the last decades and jointly with ground deformation will allow us to know the evolution of the sub-volcanic system.
Scientific Background
I graduate from University of Salamanca with a BSc in Geology. My undergraduate thesis was based on the characterization of zircon from Ordovician volcanoclastic sediments to know the date of the responsible eruption for the sediments in the Cantabrian Zone. I continued with a master’s degree in Geophysics and Geology of Reservoirs at University of Barcelona where I had the opportunity to do my thesis in the National Research Center of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (CSIC-ICTJA) working jointly with the seismic group to study the mid-crustal discontinuity along the Variscan Iberia interpreting jointly different deep seismic profiles. This research was recognized with an award to one of the best national master thesis for the year 2020 for the Spanish Geological and Miner Institute.
Activity Record
Conference - Workshop - Meeting
Year | Authors | Title | Congress | Type | DOI |
2023 | Ana Martinez Garcia, Joachim Gottsmann, and Alison Rust | The long-term evolution at Krafla Volcanic System, Iceland, by time-lapse microgravity. | EGU General Assembly 2023 | Poster | |
2024 | Ana Martinez Garcia, James Wookey, Alison Rust, & Joachim Gottsmann. | Model of the shallow crustal density distribution of the Krafla Volcanic System | The Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group | Poster |
Training Events Attended
Data (from) | Data (to) | Type | Title | Venue |
6/11/2022 | 6/16/2022 | School | Geothermal and Magmatic Systems | Laugar, Reykjadalur, North Iceland |
6/11/2022 | 6/16/2022 | School | Geothermal and Magmatic Systems | Laugar, Reykjadalur, North Iceland |
6/17/2022 | 7/3/2022 | Multiparametric Experiment | Krafla multiparametric experiment | Krafla, Iceland |
1/21/2023 | 1/23/2023 | Specialized Short Course | Seismology and Imaging | ISTerre, Grenoble, France |
3/27/2023 | 3/21/2023 | Specialized Short Course | Volcano Geodesy | Bristol, UK |
5/15/2023 | 5/19/2023 | School | Geophysical data inversion and numerical forward modelling | Carlingford, Ireland |
7/24/2023 | 7/28/2023 | School | Multiparametric Volcano Monitoring: Data Processing, Analysis and Modelling | Nicolosi (Sicily), Italy |
7/23/2023 | 8/2/2023 | Multiparametric Experiment | Etna multiparametric experiment | Mount Etna (Sicily), Italy |
2/9/2023 | 2/9/2023 | Digital Training Module | How to write your first paper and get it published | Online |
Other Activities
Data (from) | Data (to) | Type | Venue | Title | Description |
6/17/2022 | 6/29/2022 | Field campaign | Krafla, Iceland | Gravity Survey | Dynamic and Static Gravity measurements in combination with GPS. |
10/1/2023 | 11/1/2023 | Secondment | Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) | Secondment at DIAS | Comparison of the static gravity with reflexion seismic. |
2/1/2024 | 3/7/2024 | Secondment | Secondment at Chambery and Grenoble | Secondment at l'Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre) | Combination of gravity with seismic tomography and joint inversion |