Research Title: Thermo-mechanical modelling of the shallow magmatic body at Krafla
Exploring deformation processes at Etna through analogue modelling – nearfield and dynamic seismic wave analysis

Maurice Weber

Maurice Weber

Maurice Weber

Nationality: Germany
Institution: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
Country: Ireland
Research Title: Exploring deformation processes at Etna through analogue modelling – nearfield and dynamic seismic wave analysis


This project investigates the relation between deformation and seismicity at Mount Etna. Broadband seismometers will be installed in the summit region of the volcano for several months to allow for long-term recording of deformtion processes and seismicity going along with it across various frequency ranges. Additionally, a dense network of seismic nodes will be deployed for a short duration to add to the broadband data.
Investigating changes over time in the seismic coda of vulcanic events may help to explore deformation processes such as its driving mechanisms or the amount of deformation that occurs silently by also taking results of laboratory tests of rock’s behaviour under stress and different conditions into account.

Scientific Background

I graduated from University of Kiel in 2019 with the BSc in Physics of the Earth’s System covering insights into Geophysics as well as meteorology and oceanography. My main interests developed in geophysical processes and I therefore continued with a MSc in Geophysics where I mainly focused on active or passive seismics and seismology. I participated in some fieldwork doing near-surface prospection for archeological purposes. For my master thesis I estimated the sedimentary structure and its shear wave velocities in a shallow marine environment through recordings of ambient noise at a profile of ocean bottom seismometers. Ambient noise data was cross-correlated and compared to synthetic Green’s Functions calculated from forward modelling to continuously improve an input model of the subsurface.

Activity Record

Data (from)Data (to)TypeTitleVenue
6/11/20226/16/2022SchoolGeothermal and Magmatic SystemsLaugar, Reykjadalur, North Iceland
11/21/202211/21/2022Digital Training ModuleScience CommunicationDublin Institute for Advanced Studies
1/23/20231/25/2023Specialized Short CourseSeismology and ImagingISTerre, Grenoble, France
5/14/20235/20/2023SchoolGeophysical data inversion and numerical forward modellingCarlingford, Ireland
3/27/20233/29/2023Specialized Short CourseVolcano GeodesyBristol, UK
7/24/20237/28/2023SchoolMultiparametric Volcano Monitoring: Data Processing, Analysis and ModellingNicolosi (Mount Etna), Italy
1/24/20241/26/2024Specialized Short CourseData Analysis through machine learning and Pattern recognition University Granada, Spain

Data (from)Data (to)TypeVenueTitleDescription
6/16/20226/30/2022Field CampaignKrafla, IcelandIMPROVE fieldwork KraflaCarried out deployments of several hundred seismic nodes as well as ERT measurements
7/8/20227/18/2022Field CampaignFieldwork Mount EtnaInstallation of seismic nodes and Broadband stations
7/19/20227/26/2022Field CampaignIMPROVE fieldwork KraflaTaking in all stations in Krafla
8/24/20229/2/2022Field CampaignFieldwork Mount EtnaInstalling and recovering of seismic nodes on the summit of Etna
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9/23/20229/23/2022Outreach EventDublin Institute of Advanced StudiesDublin Culture NightShowing people the Institute and what we work on
5/19/20235/19/2023OutreachTrinity College DublinDublin Volcano DayPhDs from University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin and DIAS presenting what they are working on
7/18/20239/3/2023IMPROVE fieldwork Mount EtnaINGV NicolosiDeployment of seismic nodes, microphones and optical cameras
9/15/20239/15/2023OutreachTrinity College DublinDublin Culture Nightdemonstrating a seismometer to the public
1/13/20241/13/2024OutreachBT Young Scientist & TechnologyDemonstrating a seismometer and hydrophone to young school kids