Research Title: Thermo-mechanical modelling of the shallow magmatic body at Krafla
Thermal response of a geothermal system to intrusion and rifting events:
The Krafla fires in 1975-1984

Patricia Fehrentz

Patricia Fehrentz

Nationality: German
Institution: University of Iceland
Country: Iceland
Research Title: Thermal response of a geothermal system to intrusion and rifting events: The Krafla fires in 1975-1984


The Krafla fires refer to a series of eruptions and intrusive activity in the Krafla caldera and its fissure swarm which took place from 1975 to 1984. This research aims to investigate the effect of this rifting events and intrusive activity on the geothermal area.
An analytical and numerical fluid/heat transfer software will be used to model and quantify the thermal effects of major intrusive events on the geothermal reservoir within a volcanic geothermal area. Heat transfer modelling is here a tool to assess the importance of intrusive activity in maintaining a high temperature geothermal area.

Scientific Background

My name is Patricia and I am a geologist and a geophysicist. My main interest is to use my expertise to contribute to the preservation of our environment and the protection of the population from natural disasters.
I have experience in field and lab work due to my Bachelor in Applied Geosciences (RWTH Aachen) with a specialization in Engineering Geology, as well as insights in numerical modelling due to my Master Studies in Geophysics (LMU & TU Munich).
As an intern, student assistant, and during my theses, I gain experience in different research institutes in the area of Volcanic Eruption Prediction (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology), Marine Geophysics (Institute of Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde) as well as Seismology and Programming (GFZ). In my master thesis, I inverted seismic guided waves using a Markov chain Monte Carlo Approach.

Activity Record

Data (from)Data (to)TypeTitleVenue
6/11/20226/16/2022SchoolGeothermal and Magmatic SystemsLaugar, Reykjadalur, North Iceland
6/17/20227/3/2022Multiparametric ExperimentKrafla Multiparametric ExperimentKrafla, Iceland
1/21/20231/23/2023Specialized Short CourseSeismology and Imaging ISTerre, Grenoble, France
5/14/20235/20/2023SchoolGeophysical data inversion and numerical forward modelling Carlingford, Ireland
7/24/20237/28/2023SchoolMultiparametric Volcano Monitoring: Data Processing, Analysis and ModellingNicolosi (Mount Etna), Italy
7/23/20238/2/2023Multiparametric ExperimentEtna Multiparametric Experiment Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy

Data (from)Data (to)TypeVenueTitleDescription
9/19/20229/23/2022FieldworkKrafla, IcelandGeothermal surface manifestations at KraflaMapping the position of steam plumes and measuring their mass flow rate
9/10/20224/11/2022SecondementLandsvirkjun (National Power Company of Iceland), Reykjavík, IcelandLiterature compilation for the Krafla Magma TestbedCreating an overview of all existing maps in surface geology, geological history, recent faulting, magmatic activity and geothermal surface manifestations; Overview of publications about conditions and processes near the magma-hydrothermal boundary
6/1/20236/7/2023FieldworkKrafla, IcelandSteam plume photographyTime lapse photography of the steam plumes of the geothermal powerplants and natural steam plumes in geothermal areas during different weather conditions
10/18/202311/20/2023Internship supervisionUniversity of Iceland, IcelandUsing GIS to analyse lava flows, fissure opening and steaming during the Krafla fires