This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 858092

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ESRNameNationalityGenderIstitutionResearch Title
1Alejandra Vásquez CastilloCOLfemaleINGV-CTAt the origin of the Etna dynamics: insight on the volcano behavior by integrating in-situ and satellite-based (deformation/geophysical/volcanological) measurements
2Owen McCluskeyUK (N-IRE)maleINGV-PINumerical simulations of magma and rock dynamics and definition of ground deformation and gravity patterns diagnostic of deep magmatic movements at Mount Etna
3Gabriel Girela ArjonaSPmaleINGV-PIThermo-mechanical modelling of the shallow magmatic body at Krafla
4Clothilde BiensanFRfemaleINGV-RMActive degassing of mafic magmas from remote multispectral observations
5Patricia FehrentzDEfemaleUIThermal response of a geothermal system to intrusion and rifting events: The Krafla fires in 1975-1984
6Yilin YangChinamaleUICrustal deformation modelling in the Krafla area based on realistic Earth properties
7Regina MaaßDEfemaleDIASTime lapse virtual & earthquake source seismic imagery at Krafla
8Maurice WeberDEmaleDIASExploring deformation processes at Etna through analogue modelling – nearfield and dynamic seismic wave analysis
9Roberto DavoliITmaleLMUEvolution of permeability in Krafla’s geothermal field and associated seismo-acoustic patterns
10Andrew MitchellUKmaleULANCDeformation processes at Etna through analogue modelling
11Ana Martinez GarciaESfemaleUNIVBRISShallow crustal density distribution and its evolution at the Krafla volcanic system
12Elisabeth GlückDEfemaleISTerreMulti-scale high resolution geophysical imaging of Krafla sub-volcanic system
13Beatrice GiulanteITfemaleGFZModelling mass balance and stress transfer at the Krafla volcanic system
14Joe CarthyIRmaleUGRAutomatic detection and classification of relevant events in records from broad-band ground displacement monitoring devices at Etna
15Giulio BiniITmaleINGV-BOGeochemical prospecting and geothermal circulation modelling at Krafla