This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 858092

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Volcano Geodesy. Specialized Short Course in Bristol (United Kingdom)

Specialized shourt course in Bristol

27-29 March 2023

The Second Specialized Short Course on Volcano Geodesy was held at the School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol (UK) at the end of March. It was organized by Prof. Joachim Gottsmann, and attended by 8 IMPROVE ESRs plus 8 external students.

The course focussed on techniques for monitoring volcano deformation, including ground-based and satellite-based methods, as well as on data interpretation using mathematical modeling and both forward and inverse approaches. The participants were introduced to increasingly complex approaches from analytical to numerical computation and analogue experiments of volcano deformation, and could analyse and test themselves the relevance of different assumptions on crustal mechanics and rheology in determining ground deformation at active volcanoes.