15 Early Stage Researcher positions available

All positions last for three years, starting from March 2022
Who can apply:
Candidates must meet the following requisites:
- Be of any nationality, but not having resided or carried out their main activity (job, studies, …) in the country of appointment for more than 1 year in the past 3 years.
- Be within 4 years from the degree that in their country, or in the country of appointment, gives access to a PhD.
- Not having completed a PhD at start of contract. Current PhD students can apply.
How to apply:
Refer to the contact indicated for each one of the available positions (see below).
Download the brochure for quick information on the available positions.
Read more about IMPROVE ESRs.
ESR1: At the origin of the Etna dynamics: insight on the volcano behavior by integrating in-situ and satellite-based (deformation/geophysical/volcanological) measurements
Host Institution: INGV, Italy (Catania) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: ESR1 - INGV Sezione di Catania - Call 10/2021
Supervisor | Giuseppe Puglisi |
Co-tutors | A. Bonforte, F. Cannavò, R.A. Corsaro, E. Privitera, L. Zuccarello, P. Montalto, D. Reitano, C.P. Montagna (INGV), M. James, S. Lane (ULANC), F. Sigmundsson (UI), C. Bean (DIAS) |
Objectives | To constrain the structure and dynamics of the active plumbing system and the shallow volcano edifice |
To analyse high-frequency GPS data and evaluate their extended use to intermediate frequencies | |
Expected results | Integration of in-situ (GPS, tilt) and satellite (InSAR) ground deformation data |
Analysis of high-frequency GPS and tilt data and comparison with broad-band seismic data, in cooperation with ESRs #8, 10 | |
Implementation of a multi-parametric data-base | |
Comparison of ground deformation data and numerical results, in cooperation with ESRs #2, 14 | |
Exploitation and transfer of results for technological innovation | |
Application to Etna of methods and results developed for Krafla by ESRs#6,13 | |
Definition of a coherent conceptual model of Etna structure and behaviour | |
Planned secondments | UI: two months, under the supervision of F. Sigmundsson, for training on the use of numerical models in volcano deformation studies |
ULANC: one month, under the supervision of M. James and S. Lane, for comparison of deformation data with experimental analogue results | |
DIAS: two months, under the supervision of C. Bean, on the integration of seismic and deformation data and models | |
Contact | Giuseppe Puglisi, giuseppe.puglisi(at)ingv.it |
ESR2: Numerical simulations of magma and rock dynamics and definition of ground deformation and gravity patterns diagnostic of deep magmatic movements at Mount Etna
Host Institution: INGV, Italy (Pisa) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.improve-etn.eu/index.php/esr2-ingv-sezione-di-pisa-call-4-2021/
Supervisor | Paolo Papale |
Co-tutors | C.P. Montagna, A. Longo, G. Saccorotti (INGV), C. Benitez (UGR) |
Objectives | To model time-dependent 2D/3D coupled magma and rock dynamics during multi-component magma (natural and forced) convection and mixing in geometrically complex magma chamber-dyke systems |
To obtain synthetic space-time series of gravity anomaly and ground deformation, and compare them with experimental and real signals | |
To identify sets of geophysical signals diagnostic of magma movements at depth | |
Expected results | Set of numerical simulations and visualization of coupled magma and rock dynamics |
Development of a database of numerical results | |
Analysis of the numerical results and identification of meaningful patterns, in cooperation with ESRs #1, 14 | |
Comparative analysis of numerical, experimental and recorded ground displacements over continuous time scales from less than 1 s to hours, in cooperation with ESRs #1, 7, 10 and 14 | |
Identification of sets of geophysical signals diagnostic of magmatic movements at depth | |
Transfer to the Krafla case (to ESR#3) of the results at points 4 and 5 | |
Planned secondments | UGR: four months, under the supervision of C. Benitez, for advanced training and cooperation on massive data analysis and pattern recognition, and for comparative analyses of synthetic and recorded geophysical space-time series |
Contact | Paolo Papale, paolo.papale(at)ingv.it |
ESR3: Thermo-mechanical modelling of the shallow magmatic body at Krafla
Host Institution: INGV, Italy (Pisa) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.improve-etn.eu/index.php/esr3-ingv-sezione-di-pisa-call-5-2021/
Supervisor | Paolo Papale |
Co-tutors | A. Longo, C.P. Montagna (INGV), M.T. Gudmundsson (UI), S. Markusson (LV) |
Objectives | To constrain the dynamics and thermo-mechanical properties of the shallow magmatic body and its relationships with the deeper magmatic system |
Expected results | 2D/3D numerical simulations of the thermo-fluid dynamics of magmas involved in the generation and evolution of the shallow system at Krafla |
Development of a database of numerical results | |
Constraints on the dynamic conditions necessary for melt existence at shallow depth | |
Application to the Krafla case of the methods developed by ESRs#2, 14, for Etna | |
Constraints on the thermo-mechanical properties of the shallow magma, for use in thermal modelling and inverse source modelling by ESRs #5, 6, 7, 11, 13 | |
Planned secondments | UI and LV: three months under the combined supervision of M.T. Gudmundsson and S. Markusson, to acquire across the Krafla field experiment data and knowledge on the thermal state at Krafla; and to compare and test the numerical results with the results from ESR #5 |
Contact | Paolo Papale, paolo.papale(at)ingv.it |
ESR4: Active degassing of mafic magmas from remote multispectral observations
Host Institution: INGV, Italy (Rome) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.improve-etn.eu/index.php/esr4-ingv-roma-call-10-2021/
Supervisor | Jacopo Taddeucci |
Co-tutors | G. Salerno, P. Scarlato, (INGV), M.T Gudmundsson (UI), C. Bean (DIAS), S. Lane and M. James (ULANC) |
Objectives | To asses the fundamental parameters that control the different modes of active degassing and their transitions at mafic volcanoes |
To evaluate degassing in comparison with ground displacement and acoustic data as well as numerical results, test interpretations and constrain an overall conceptual model of magma and volcano dynamics | |
Expected results | Database of ground-based multispectral remote sensing measurements of active degassing (Ultraviolet and FTIR spectroscopy/imaging, thermal and visible high-speed imaging, infrasonic measurements) |
Inventory of gas pocket properties during active degassing of mafic magma, in terms of size, composition, pressure, source depth, and explosion depth | |
Analysis of fluctuations in volcano degassing, and comparison with geophysical data and numerical results | |
Assessment of source-explosion depths and gas/melt ratios | |
Definition of a conceptual model of active degassing and its controlling factors | |
Evaluation of technological development needs, and transfer to technological partners | |
Planned secondments | DIAS: one month, under the supervision of C. Bean, on geophysical signal interpretation and modelling in relation to magma degassing |
ULANC: one month, under the supervision of M. James and S. Lane, to perform analogue experiments on slug rise under variable pressure conditions | |
UI: one month, under the supervision of M.T. Gudmundsson, to expand the database of active degassing with past (or potentially current) cases from Icelandic volcanoes, as well as to expand expertise in time series processing techniques | |
Contact | Jacopo Taddeucci, Jacopo.taddeucci(at)ingv.it |
ESR5: Thermal response of a geothermal system to intrusion and rifting events: The Krafla fires in 1975-1984
Host Institution: UI, Iceland (Reykjavik) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://english.hi.is/vacancies
Supervisor | Magnús T. Gudmundssson |
Co-tutors | G. Axelsson (UI), J. Vandemeulebrouck (ISTerre), E. Júlíusson (LV) |
Objectives | To quantify and model with analytical and numerical fluid/heat transfer software the thermal effects of major intrusive events on the geothermal reservoir within a volcanic geothermal area |
To assess using heat transfer modelling the importance of intrusive activity in maintaining a high temperature geothermal area | |
Expected results | Assessment of the energy input into the Krafla reservoir from the Krafla fires, and changes in temperature, pressure and steam content of the geothermal reservoir as a result of the fires |
Development of a numerical model for transient changes at time scales of weeks to decades | |
Assessment of the interplay between exploitation, natural heat loss and the heat input from the intrusive activity | |
Planned secondments | LV: one month following the Krafla experiment, to revise industrial surface and borehole thermal data |
ISTerre: three months, under the supervision of J. Vandemeulebrouck, on heat flow measurements and modelling of thermal output | |
INGV: two months, under supervision of C.P. Montagna and P. Papale, on heat transfer modelling from magma to host rock, and to compare results with those of ESR #3 | |
Contact | Magnús T. Gudmundssson, mtg(at)hi.is |
ESR6: Crustal deformation modelling in the Krafla area based on realistic Earth properties
Host Institution: UI, Iceland (Reykjavik) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://english.hi.is/vacancies
Supervisor | Freysteinn Sigmundsson |
Co-tutors | H. Geirsson (UI), J. Gottsman (UNIVBRIS), G. Puglisi (INGV) |
Objectives | To constrain realistic Earth parameters from multiple techniques including borehole, gravity, seismic tomography, thermal structure and resistivity data, and develop a 3D model of the elastic, visco- and poro-elastic structure of the area |
To interpret shallow deformation signals and their origin from geothermal utilization and natural processes | |
To improve modelling of past and present deformation processes | |
Expected results | 3D model of the elastic, viscous and visco-elastic structure of the Krafla caldera |
Database of deformation data and rock properties | |
Evaluation of the poro-elastic properties of the geothermal field | |
Updated surface deformation maps from GPS, levelling, and InSAR data | |
Re-evaluation of past and present deformation source parameters | |
Transfer and exploitation of results into the operational/conceptual model of the Krafla geothermal reservoir; transfer to the Etna case (to ESR#1) of the methods and results at point 5 | |
Planned secondments | INGV: two months at the Etna Observatory, under the supervision of G. Puglisi and A. Bonforte, to learn the SISTEM joint InSAR-GPS approach and expand training on deformation processes at a stratovolcano (as compared to the Krafla caldera) |
UNIVBRIS: four months, under the supervision of J. Gottsmann, to improve knowledge of finite element modelling of volcanic systems | |
Contact | Freysteinn Sigmundsson, fs(at)hi.is |
ESR7: Time lapse virtual & earthquake source seismic imagery at Krafla
Host Institution: DIAS, Ireland (Dublin) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.dias.ie/2021/09/21/phd-positions-on-the-improve-initiative/
Supervisor | Chris Bean | |
Co-tutors | I. Lokmer (DIAS), P. Jousset (GFZ); C. Benitez (UGR); B. Scheu (LMU); P. Hill (GSL) | |
Objectives | To explore current limits and potential of seismic exploration techniques, including seismic reflections from natural and industrial seismic noise and earthquake sources, through comparison with unique knowledge of chamber roof location from drilling | |
To use new techniques to extract body waves from noise correlation seismograms. These seismograms will be used | in an effort to detected the magma-rock interface using a reflection seismic configuration | |
coda wave interferometry will be applied to the these seismograms to track time-lapse changes in bulk seismic wave velocity | ||
To deploy state-of-the-art borehole seismometers (in collaboration with GSL) as a complement to the surface seismic network, and test additional technological developments (developed by GSL) of high temperature and corrosion resistant seismic sensors | ||
Expected results | Constraints on expected magma-rock reflection coefficients from laboratory measurements, numerical modelling, and theoretical estimates, in cooperation with ESRs #3, 9 | |
Development of a database of seismic data | ||
Imaging of the interface between magma and host rock using ambient noise | ||
Separation of noise source effects from changes in the medium, and time-lapse seismic monitoring of the interface | ||
Advanced signal processing (signal recognition) in the field and laboratory, in cooperation with ESR #14 | ||
Application to the Krafla case of the methods and results developed for Etna by ESRs #8,14 | ||
Transfer to the Etna case (to ESR#8) of the methods and results at points 3, 4, 5 | ||
Planned secondments | GSL: one month before the Krafla experiment, under supervision by P. Hill, to develop understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the borehole seismometer and plan for its deployment at Krafla | |
GFZ: two months, under supervision of P. Jousset, to expand knowledge on data processing for time-lapse technique, cooperate with ESR #13 on time-lapse gravity analyses, and learn about gravity data processing | ||
LMU: three months, under supervision of B. Scheu, to cooperate with ESR #9 before the Krafla experiment in measurements of petro-physical properties of host rocks and magma with the aim of determining reflection coefficients for magma/rock interfaces; and to revisit the laboratory after initial analysis of field data | ||
Contact | Chris Bean, chris.bean(at)dias.ie |
ESR8: Exploring deformation processes at Etna through analogue modelling – nearfield and dynamic seismic wave analysis
Host Institution: DIAS, Ireland (Dublin) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.dias.ie/2021/09/21/phd-positions-on-the-improve-initiative/
Supervisor | Chris Bean | |
Co-tutors | I. Lokmer (DIAS), M.James, S. Lane (ULANC); L. Zuccarello (INGV) | |
Objectives | To use near field analysis methods to search for static deformations in output data from laboratory experiments (in collaboration with ESR #10) | |
To apply coda wave interferometry to look for seismic signatures associated with known deformation in analogues models (this will also help calibrate the results of ERS#7 | ||
To relate sub-surface processes to surface changes, focussing on frequencies within the transitional window between conventional ground deformation and seismic investigations | ||
Expected results | Tracking of time-dependent experimental volcano deformation, developed by ESR #10, using time-lapse seismic methods (e.g. coda wave interferometry) | |
In cooperation withESR #10: laboratory controls on | the conditions under which different processes (intrusions, gravitational instability) contribute to surface deformations | |
how these processes can be observed through their ‘outputs’ (e.g. silent deformation, low frequency seismic radiation, high frequency seismic radiation) | ||
the processes that lead to the greatest time lapse changes (as seen through seismic coda wave interferometry) | ||
controls of transitions between ductile and brittle deformation on our ability to sense both surface and sub-surface processes, with a focus on frequencies transitional between conventional seismic and ground deformation disciplines | ||
Deployment of a complementary small (3-5 instruments) Broad Band network in the summit area of Mt Etna, left in place for several months to look for near-field seismic effects associated with edifice surface deformation | ||
Database of field and lab seismic data | ||
Field observations constrained by learning from the laboratory simulations | ||
Application to the Etna case of the methods developed at Krafla by ESR#7 | ||
Planned secondments | INGV: two months across the Etna field experiment, under supervision by L. Zuccarello, to expand knowledge on seismic data handling and install the seismometers supplied by DIAS on Etna’s upper edifice | |
ULANC: three months, under supervision of M. James and S. Lane, to building and running analogue experiments in cooperation with ESR #10 | ||
Contact | Chris Bean, chris.bean(at)dias.ie |
ESR9: Evolution of permeability in Krafla’s geothermal field and associated seismo-acoustic patterns
Host Institution: LMU, Germany (Munich) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.mineralogie.geowissenschaften.uni-muenchen.de/aktuelles/msca_position/index.html
Supervisor | Bettina Scheu |
Co-tutors | J. Vandemeulebrouck, (ISTerre), S. Markusson (LV), C. Bean (DIAS), P. Jousset (GFZ) |
Objectives | To determine permeability and resultant volatile flux as well as their evolution with respect to petrology and alteration, in the shallow geothermal field down to the magma/rock interface (<2 km depth) |
To link volatile flux through a characterized permeable network to seismic patterns and their evolution in time | |
Expected results | Lab-based physico-chemical and textural characterization of surface, subsurface & magmatic rocks |
Determination of the effects of hydrothermal alteration on petrophysical properties (density, porosity, permeability, strength) | |
Measurements of seismo-acoustic (AE) patterns on samples subject to volatile flux, and map of such patterns linked to rock characteristics | |
Analysis of AE patterns for different volatiles (inert gas, steam, and liquid water) percolating through the same permeable network at HP, HT conditions | |
Database of rock properties and lab measurements | |
Development of a protocol to discriminate regime-volatile pairs and comparison with logging data from geothermal wells | |
Identification of critical conditions and precursors which may point to changes in the system (e.g. condensation or superheated regime) | |
In cooperation with ESRs #7, 12, 13 and 15, use of the lab results into geochemical and geophysical mapping and imaging of the underground | |
Planned secondments | DIAS: one month, under the supervision of C. Bean, on inversion of laboratory seismic /AE data and for insights the analysis of field and logging data |
ISTerre: two months, under the supervision of J. Vandemeulebrouck, on the processing of seismic / AE signals of hydrothermal fluid percolating through altered rocks and measurements of electrical signatures of alteration | |
INGV-BO: one month, under the supervision of G. Chiodini, to familiarize with the geochemical conceptual model of Krafla geothermal system and, the composition of hydrothermal gases and volatiles and the computation of their flux | |
GFZ: one month, under the supervision of P. Jousset, to link to the GFZ geothermal group in the light of seismic /AE data and rock physics at HT | |
LV: 1.5 months, under the supervision of S. Markusson, to review existing data sets on alteration from geothermal wells and integrate with new data sets to be collected; and on the interpretation of laboratory results in concert with logging data | |
Contact | Bettina Scheu, b.scheu(at)lmu.de |
ESR10: Deformation processes at Etna through analogue modelling
Host Institution: ULANC, UK (Lancaster) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://hr-jobs.lancs.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=A3562
Supervisor | Steve Lane |
Co-tutors | M. James, J. Gilbert, H. Tuffen (ULANC), C. Bean (DIAS), G. Puglisi and F. Cannavò (INGV), C. Benitez (UGR) |
Objectives | To determine the role of subsurface processes responsible for surface changes, focussing on frequencies within the transitional window between conventional ground deformation and seismic investigations |
To derive a new interpretation on the role of drivers (e.g. intrusions, gravitational instability, hydrothermal system) on measurable surface deformations, with a focus on frequencies lower than seismic | |
Expected results | Definition and set up of an analogue experimental approach to investigate ground deformation processes over a range of frequencies and rheological response, with sub-surface heterogeneities and brittle/ductile behaviours |
Laboratory controls on the conditions under which different processes (intrusions, gravitational instability) contribute to surface deformations | |
Laboratory controls on how these processes can be observed through their ‘outputs’, with a focus on frequencies lower than those generally associated with seismic measurement | |
Database of lab-based measurements | |
In cooperation with ESRs #1, 2, 8 and 14, review and analysis of GPS time-series data from Mt. Etna at high (1 Hz) and very high (20 Hz) frequency to separate the noise components from the meaningful signal, and comparison with lab-generated deformation signals | |
In cooperation with ESRs # 1, 2, and 8, new interpretations of measured surface deformation at Etna, spanning seismic to lower frequencie | |
Transfer to Krafla (to ESR#7) of the results at point 6 | |
Planned secondments | DIAS: two months, under the supervision of C. Bean, on the topic of seismic experimentation, seismic data processing and analysis and time lapse seismic monitoring methodology |
UGR: one month, under the supervision of C. Benitez, on the topic of advanced tools for analysing high frequency lab and real deformation data | |
INGV: two months at the Etna Observatory, under the supervision of G. Puglisi and F. Cannavò, to compare the experimental results with GPS data over frequencies from 20 Hz to quasi-static | |
Contact | Mike James, m.james(at)lancaster.ac.uk |
ESR11: Shallow crustal density distribution and its evolution at the Krafla volcanic system
Host Institution: UNIVBRIS - APPLY
APPLY HERE: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/earthsciences/courses/postgraduate/phd-research.html
Supervisor | Jo Gottsmann |
Co-tutors | C. Bean (DIAS), M.T. Gudmundsson (UI), S. Markusson (LV), J. Vandemeulebrouck, (ISTerre), P. Jousset (GFZ) |
Objectives | To construct a 3D model of the shallow (<5 km depth ) subsurface density distribution by inverting existing and new gravity anomaly data combined with other multi-parametric data |
To investigate the short and mid-term evolution of the sub-volcanic system from continuous and time-lapse gravimetric observations | |
Expected results | High precision Bouguer anomaly map and subsurface density distribution model, compared and checked with borehole and other geophysical data/models |
Spatio-temporal model for the evolution of shallow-seated magmatic and hydrothermal reservoirs | |
3D mechanical crustal model, in cooperation with ESRs #5, 7, 12, 13 | |
Database of static and continuous gravity data | |
Development of a conceptual model of how the subsurface structure controls the dynamic behaviour of the caldera, from comparison and contrast of inversion models from dynamic and static data in cooperation with ESRs #7, 12, 13 | |
Transfer of results into constraints to volcano deformation modelling by ESR #6 | |
Exploitation and transfer of technological innovation resulting from the project in the field of geophysics and volcanology | |
Planned secondments | UI and LV: one month across the Krafla field experiment, under the supervision of M.T. Gudmundsson (UI) and S. Markusson (LV), to review existing gravimetric data sets from Krafla and integrate with new data sets to be collected during this project, planning and development of field surveys |
DIAS: one month, under the supervision of C. Bean, on the topic of seismic experimentation, seismic data processing and analysis and time lapse seismic monitoring methodology | |
ISTerre: one and a half month, under the supervision of J. Vandemeulebrouck, to compare and contrast gravimetric, electric and electromagnetic data sets to construct a models of the shallow subsurface density and resistivity distribution | |
GFZ: one month, under the supervision of P. Jousset, to compare and contrast static and dynamic gravity data and resulting models with GFZ’s continuous gravimetric records | |
UI: one month, under the supervision of F. Sigmundsson, to interpret the density distribution models and construct the crustal mechanical model | |
Contact | Jo Gottsmann, j.gottsmann(at)bristol.ac.uk |
ESR12: Multi-scale high resolution geophysical imaging of Krafla sub-volcanic system
Host Institution: ISTerre - APPLY
Supervisor | Jean Vandemeulebrouck |
Co-tutors | S. Garambois (ISTerre), F. Sigmundsson (UI), S. Markusson (LV) |
Objectives | To advance multiscale and multi-method (electrical, seismic, magneto-telluric) imaging of volcanic structures |
To monitor and locate seismic activity with a dense seismic network | |
To decipher the effect of fluid substitution on seismic and resistivity attributes, with application to geothermal exploration and exploitation | |
To obtain high-resolution geophysical imaging of Krafla’s upper geothermal system using new algorithms based on data fusion and joint interpretation of geophysical data | |
Expected results | Multiphysical imaging (resistivity, seismic velocity & attenuation) at both small scale (depth up to 500 m) and large scale (up to 5km) |
Interpretation of structures and model of shallow-seated magmatic and geothermal reservoirs | |
Database of electric and seismic measurements | |
Assessment of the electric and seismic signatures related to the recent evolution of the system (both Krafla fires and geothermal exploitation), in cooperation with ESRs #4 and 6 | |
Development of data fusion and joint interpretation algorithms for application at Krafla | |
Link between rock physics and fluid substitution effects on geophysical attributes (e.g. poroelastic approaches for seismic attributes) | |
Improved 3D model of subsurface through coupled inversion of multi-parametric dataset, in cooperation with ESR #12 | |
High-resolution monitoring of seismic activity during short periods and link with fluids | |
Planned secondments | UI and LV: two months across the Krafla field experiment, under the supervision of F. Sigmundsson (UI) and S. Markusson (LV), for compilation of existing geophysical data sets from Krafla and integration with new data sets and geological knowledge. Additionally, the ESR will get in contact with K. Arnasson from the Icelandic Geosurvey (ISOR) for access to multi-parametric datasets on Krafla |
UNIVBRIS: one month, under the supervision of J. Gottsmann, to get familiar with gravity modelling and start acquiring multiple inversion capabilities | |
DIAS: one month, under the supervision of C. Bean, to get familiar with inverse theory and start acquiring multiple inversion capabilities | |
INGV: one month, under the supervision of G. Chiodini and T. Ricci, for the integration of resistivity model into multi-phase multi-components modelling of fluid flow circulation | |
Contact | Jean Vandemeulebrouck, jean.vandemeulebrouck(at)univ-smb.fr |
ESR13: Modelling mass balance and stress transfer at the Krafla volcanic system
Host Institution: GFZ, Germany (Potsdam) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.gfz-potsdam.de/karriere/stellenangebote/job-detail/5531/
Supervisor | Philippe Jousset |
Co-tutors | F. Sigmundsson (UI), S. Markusson (LV), J. Gottsman (UNIVBRIS), B. Scheu (LMU), P. Papale (INGV), C. Bean (DIAS) |
Objectives | To deploy a network of at least 5 multi-parameter stations around the Krafla geothermal system (each station includes an iGrav superconducting gravity meter or a performant spring gravity meter, a broad-band seismometer, a GPS receiver, a meteorological station, and other (in particular hydrological) sensors required to monitor mass movement at the shallow surface) |
To determine subsurface mass and energy transfer from multi-parameter continuous signals, and develop a model of mass (fluid) displacement in the hydrothermal reservoirs | |
To define the relative roles in mass and energy transfer of anthropogenic (injection/extraction) and natural sources | |
Expected results | Accurate Earth tide model for the Krafla area |
Database of multi-parametric measurements (gravity, broad-band seismicity, GPS, meteorological and hydrological data) | |
Multi-parametric data analysis, inversion and interpretation, in cooperation with ESRs #6 for GPS and InSAR measurements, #7 for seismic signals and moment tensor inversion, #9 for shallow soil permeability and deeper rock properties and modelling, #11 for gravity measurements | |
Modelling of mass (fluid) displacement in the hydrothermal reservoirs | |
Assessment of the relative roles in mass and energy transfer of anthropogenic (injection/extraction) and natural sources | |
Transfer to the Etna case (to ESR#1) of the methods and results at points 3, 4, 5 | |
Planned secondments | UI and LV: two months across the Krafla field experiment, under the supervision of F.Sigmundsson (UI) and S. Markusson (LV), to access the geothermal site and establish links with the industrial partner LV, review the existing data sets from Krafla, in cooperation with ESR #12, and contribute to the operations to install and run the multi-parametric observation network |
UNIVBRIS: one month, under the supervision of J. Gottsmann, to get familiar with gravity data analysis and integration of multiple data and start cooperation with ESR #11 | |
LMU: half a month before end of year 1, under the supervision of B. Scheu, to review methods of permeability measurements and interpretation and start cooperation with ESR #9 | |
DIAS: one month, under the supervision of C. Bean, to learn about moment tensor inversion in seismology and start collaborating with ESR #7 for integration of seismology and gravity signals | |
INGV: one month, under the supervision of P. Papale, to acquire experience in volcano-monitoring systems in comparison with geothermal monitoring, and learn modelling techniques, in particular modelling of underground mass movements and associated gravity signals | |
Contact | Philippe Jousset, philippe.jousset(at)gfz-potsdam.de |
ESR14: Automatic detection and classification of relevant events in records from broad-band ground displacement monitoring devices at Etna
Host Institution: UGR, Spain (Granada) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/691536
Supervisor | Carmen Benitez |
Co-tutors | J. Camacho (UGR), M. James (ULANC), F. Cànnavo, L. Zuccarello, P. Papale, C. Montagna (INGV) |
Objectives | To implement an automatic, real time system to analyze the data acquired by the different types of sensors |
To mine ground displacement data from multiple sensors over broad frequency ranges to identify meaningful signals, in particular in frequency domains intermediate between those typical of seismicity and conventional deformation | |
To analyse synthetic (model produced) space-time series of ground displacement and compare them to real data | |
Expected results | Development of an automatic system to extract knowledge from real and synthetic space-time series of ground displacement dynamics over broad frequency ranges, in cooperation with ESRs #1, 2, 7 and 10 |
Assessment of the overlapping regions between different complementary sensors (broad-band seismometers, GPS, tiltmeters) | |
Assessment of the possibility to continuously cover through broad-band seismometers and GPS receivers the ground displacement frequency domain from >1 to <10-5 Hz (time domain from less than 1 s to more than one day), in cooperation with ESRs #1, 2, 7 and 10 | |
Transfer to the Krafla case (to ESRs#3,7) of the methods and results at points 1, 2, 3 | |
Planned secondments | INGV: two months across the Etna field experiment, under the supervision of F. Cannavò and L. Zuccarello, to familiarízate with the multi-parametric monitoring network of Etna and start cooperation with ESR #1. This secondment includes participation to H24 monitoring protocols, seismic location procedures, and field visiting of the monitoring stations |
ULANC: two months, under the supervision of M. James, on ground deformation signals over broad frequency ranges and their relationships with volcanic processes | |
INGV: two months, under the supervision of c.p. Montagna and P. Papale, to familiarízate with real and model-produced deformation signals at Etna and implement cooperation with ESR #2 | |
Contact | Carmen Benitez, carmen(at)ugr.es |
ESR15: Geochemical prospecting and geothermal circulation modelling at Krafla
Host Institution: INGV, Italy (Bologna) - APPLY
APPLY HERE: https://www.improve-etn.eu/index.php/esr15-ingv-sezione-di-bologna-call-9-2021/
Supervisor | Antonio Costa |
Co-tutors | G. Chiodini, T. Ricci, P. Papale (INGV), L. Coppo (WS), J. Vandemeulebrouck (ISTerre), S. Markusson (LV) |
Objectives | To produce an advanced geochemical conceptual model of the geothermal system and physico-numerical model of hydrothermal circulation |
To realize and test new instrumentation for volcano science and geothermal industry purposes | |
To provide the industrial partner LV with advanced knowledge of the geothermal system for revised energy exploitation strategies | |
Expected results | Evaluation of techniques for the measurements of natural advective heat flux in geothermal systems |
Assessment of the origin of carbon stored in hydrothermal calcite, and of hydrothermal metane | |
Definition of the geological CO2 flux | |
Critical review and application of CH4-CO2 carbon isotopes as a temperature geo-indicator | |
Development of a database of the measured quantities | |
Evaluation of the necessary specifics for a new instrument to measure gas/steam ratios and concentration of acidic (corrosive) elements in fumarolic and geothermal well fluids | |
Geochemical conceptual model of Krafla geothermal system | |
Physico-numerical model of trans-critical hydrothermal circulation dynamics | |
Transfer of the results to LV for revision and upgrade of geothermal energy exploitation strategies | |
Planned secondments | ISTerre: two months, under the supervision of J. Vandemeulebrouck, for training and cooperation on active geophysical exploration techniques applied to hydrothermal and geothermal systems |
LV: 1.5 months, under the supervision of S. Markusson, to acquire data and knowledge on the Krafla geothermal system and provide results for subsequent industrial exploitation strategies | |
WS: 6 months, under the supervision of L. Coppo, to contribute to planning and engineering of a new instrument to measure gas/steam ratios and concentration of acidic (corrosive) elements in fumarolic and geothermal well fluids (expected result #6 above) | |
Contact | Antonio Costa, antonio.costa(at)ingv.it |
Read more about IMPROVE ESRs
The 15 recruited ESRs will develop their research in the frame of a highly cooperative, highly coordinated network, with complementary objectives achieved through individual as well as team work involving other ESRs as well as senior personnel from the hosting and partner institutions.
IMPROVE adopts a multi-disciplinary approach whereby geophysics, geochemistry, lab analysis and experiments, numerical modelling, massive data analysis and automatic signal processing, are exploited in a collaborative, coordinated effort with common objectives. Central elements are two multi-disciplinary, multi-parametric field experiments, at Krafla and Etna, exposing ESRs to professional volcanology engaging them in major research, monitoring and field training. All 15 ESRs participate in both experiments, maximizing training and collaboration, and engage in multiple Tasks according to a multi-disciplinary approach: each ESR is responsible for a specific Task reflecting individual research plan and objectives, and responsible for an ESRs’ team involved in that Task (see Table below), while participating in other teams.
WP N. | Task | Team of ESRs (responsible highlighted) |
4 (Krafla) | 4.1 Krafla field experiment | All |
4.2 Deformation model at Krafla | 6, 11, 13 | |
4.3 Numerical simulation constraints on magma thermo-mechanics and processes | 3, 5 | |
4.4 Thermal evolution of the caldera and the geothermal system at Krafla | 3, 5, 15 | |
4.5 Conceptual and semi-quantitative model of the geothermal system at Krafla | 5, 9, 11, 15 | |
4.6 Permeability and volatile flux at the Krafla geothermal system, and links with seismo-acoustic patterns | 7, 9, 15 | |
4.7 Assessment of present-day limits in imaging shallow magma reservoirs from multiple geophysical techniques | 7, 11, 12, 13 | |
4.8 Assessment of shallow sub-surface density/mass distribution at Krafla | 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 15 | |
4.9 Assessment of subsurface mass/energy transfer at Krafla and relative roles of natural vs. anthropogenic sources | 3, 5, 11, 13, 15 | |
4.10 High resolution geophysical imaging of Krafla sub-volcanic system from joint inversion of geophysical data | 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 | |
5 (Etna) | 5.1 Etna field experiment | All |
5.2 Conceptual model of the plumbing system at Etna | 1, 4, 8, 10, 14 | |
5.3 Magma degassing and its transition modes, and associated geochemical/geophysical signals at Etna | 1, 4, 8, 10 | |
5.4 Automatic real-time system to analyze data by multiple monitoring sensors at Etna | 1 , 2, 8, 14 | |
5.5 Volcano deformation dynamics at Etna from analogue experiments | 1, 8, 10 | |
5.6 New methods and techniques for ground displacement analysis at intermediate frequencies | 1, 2, 8, 10, 14 | |
5.7 Definition of sets of geophysical signals diagnostic of deep magma movements at Etna | 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 14 |
During the field experiments, and in repeated ESRs’ individual or group campaigns, the ESRs will make use of a highly professional, top quality ensemble of multi-parametric measurement devices for geophysical and geochemical data collection. Additional tools for top-level research by specific ESRs are represented by laboratory instruments, dedicated software for advanced data processing and numerical simulations, and for massive data analysis and pattern recognition. The overall research methodology is summarized in the scheme below.

A description of the overall scientific and science-industry objectives, training program, dissemination & outreach program, and data management, can be found at the corresponding WP description here.
LMU München Germany, Germany about 1 month ago In the frame of the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 project IMPROVE, a position is open for Early Stage Researcher at LMU Munich under the supervision of Bettina Scheu. The goals of this project Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher position: Modelling mass balance and stress transfer at the… Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Brandenburg Germany about 2 months ago Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher position: Modelling mass balance and stress transfer at the Krafla volcanic system Reference Number 5531 General information: This position is one of the 15 Early Marie-Curie Early Stage Researcher position: Modelling mass balance and stress transfer at the…