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All positions are for a length of 36 months, with EU standard salary for MSCA-ETN
    fellowships. All of them foresee PhD enrolment, either at the recruiting Organization or
    through partner Universities.

     Name                Nationality     Hosting organization                      Title of research

                                                                     At the origin of the Etna dynamics: insight on the volcano
     Alejandra             Colombia     Istituto  Nazionale  di  Geofisica  e   behavior  by  integrating  in-situ  and  satellite-based
     Vásquez Castillo                   Vulcanologia - Catania, Italy
                                                                     (deformation/geophysical/volcanological) measurements
                                                                     Numerical simulations of magma and rock dynamics and
                                        Istituto  Nazionale  di  Geofisica  e
     Owen McCluskey     Northern Ireland                             definition  of  ground  deformation  and  gravity  patterns
                                        Vulcanologia - Pisa, Italy
                                                                     diagnostic of deep magmatic movements at Mount Etna
     Gabriel                            Istituto  Nazionale  di  Geofisica  e   Thermo-mechanical  modelling  of  the  shallow  magmatic
     Girela Arjona           Spain      Vulcanologia - Pisa, Italy   body at Krafla

                                        Istituto  Nazionale  di  Geofisica  e   Active  degassing  of  mafic  magmas  from  remote
     Clothilde Biensan      France
                                        Vulcanologia - Roma, Italy   multispectral observations

                                                                     Thermal response of a geothermal system to intrusion and
     Patricia Fehrentz     Germany      University of Iceland - Iceland
                                                                     rifting events: The Krafla fires in 1975-1984
                                                                     Crustal deformation modelling in the Krafla area based on
     Yilin Yang              China      University of Iceland - Iceland
                                                                     realistic Earth properties

                                        Dublin  Institute  for  Advanced   Time lapse virtual & earthquake source seismic imagery at
     Regina Maaß           Germany
                                        Studies - Ireland            Krafla
                                        Dublin  Institute  for  Advanced   Exploring deformation processes at Etna through analogue
     Maurice Weber         Germany
                                        Studies - Ireland            modelling - nearfield and dynamic seismic wave analysis

                                        Ludwig  Maximilians  Universität   Evolution of  permeability in Krafla’s geothermal field and
     Roberto Davoli          Italy
                                        München - Germany            associated seismo-acoustic patterns
                                        Lancaster  University  -  United   Deformation  processes  at  Mt  Etna  through  analogue
     Andrew Mitchell    United Kingdom
                                        Kingdom                      modelling

     Ana                     Spain      University  of  Bristol  -  United   Shallow crustal density distribution and its evolution at the
     Martinez Garcia                    Kingdom                      Krafla volcanic system

                                        Universite  Savoie  Mont  Blanc  /   Multi-scale high resolution geophysical imaging of Krafla
     Elisabeth Glück       Germany
                                        ISTerre - France             sub-volcanic system

     Beatrice Giuliante      Italy      GeoForschungsZentrum -       Modelling mass balance and stress transfer at the Krafla
                                        Germany                      volcanic system

                                                                     Automatic Detection and Classification of Relevant Events
     Joe Carthy             Ireland     Universidad de Granada - Spain
                                                                     from Ground Displacement Monitoring Devices

                                        Istituto  Nazionale  di  Geofisica  e   Geochemical  prospecting  and  geothermal  circulation
     Giulio Bini             Italy
                                        Vulcanologia - Bologna, Italy  modeling at Krafla

                                                                                             Photo by Sonia Heidi Maria Grenier
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